1 /*
2  *  read_write.c
3  *  diffuse
4  *
5  *  Created by Jayant Murthy on 21/04/11.
6  *  Copyright 2011 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
7  *
8  */
9 #include "sky_model.h"
12 /*Function to create FITS header*/
13 void FITS_WRITE_FILE(char file_out[FLEN_FILENAME], struct WCS_HEAD wcs_out,
14                                         long naxes[2], float *data, char gal[3])
15 {
16     int status=0;
17     char str_out[FLEN_KEYWORD];
18     fitsfile *fptr;
20     if (fits_create_file(&fptr, file_out, &status)){/*Create FITS file*/
21                 printf("Error in creating %s", file_out);
22                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
23     }
24     fits_create_img(fptr, FLOAT_IMG, 2, naxes, &status);
25     fits_write_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "CRVAL1", &wcs_out.xrefval,
26                                    "REF POINT VALUE IN DEGREES", &status);
27     fits_write_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "CRPIX1", &wcs_out.xrefpix,
28                                    "REF POINT PIXEL LOCATION", &status);
29     fits_write_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "CDELT1", &wcs_out.xinc,
30                                    "DEGREES PER PIXEL", &status);
31     fits_write_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "CROTA1", &wcs_out.rot,
32                                    "ROTATION FROM ACTUAL AXIS", &status);
33     if (strcmp(gal, "g") == 0) strcpy(str_out,"GLON");
34     else strcpy(str_out,"RA--");
35     strcat(str_out, wcs_out.coordtype);
36     fits_write_key(fptr, TSTRING, "CTYPE1", &str_out,
37                    "COORDINATE TYPE", &status);
38     fits_write_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "CRVAL2", &wcs_out.yrefval,
39                    "REF POINT VALUE IN DEGREES", &status);
40     fits_write_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "CRPIX2", &wcs_out.yrefpix,
41                    "REF POINT PIXEL LOCATION", &status);
42     fits_write_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "CDELT2", &wcs_out.yinc,
43                    "DEGREES PER PIXEL", &status);
44     fits_write_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "CROTA2", &wcs_out.rot,
45                    "ROTATION FROM ACTUAL AXIS", &status);
46     if (strcmp(gal, "g") == 0) strcpy(str_out,"GLAT");
47     else strcpy(str_out,"DEC-");
48     strcat(str_out, wcs_out.coordtype);
49     fits_write_key(fptr, TSTRING, "CTYPE2", &str_out,
50                    "COORDINATE TYPE", &status);
51     fits_write_2d_flt(fptr, 1, naxes[0], naxes[0], naxes[1], data, &status);
52         fits_close_file(fptr, &status);
53 }/*End of FITS_WRITE_FILE*/
54 /*********************************************************************/
58         FILE *fparam = NULL;
60         fparam = fopen(PARAM_FILE, "w");
61         if(fparam == NULL){
62                 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR  : Unable to create %s\n", PARAM_FILE);
63                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
64         }
66         fprintf(fparam,
67                         "#-----------------------------------------------------#\n"
68                         "# Parameter FILE for sky model                         \n"
69                         "#                                                      \n"
70                         "# Purpose: Input parameters for running the Diffuse    \n"
71                         "#          light modelling software will be read from  \n"
72                         "#          this file.                                  \n"
73                         );
75         fprintf(fparam,
76                         "# NOTE:    Any line beginning with a hash (\"#\") or   \n"
77                         "#          those enclosed within \"/* -- */ \" are     \n"
78                         "#          comments and will be ignored by the software\n"
79                         "#                                                      \n"
80                         "# format of this file is: KEY = VALUE                  \n"
81                         "#                                                      \n"
82                         "#-----------------------------------------------------#\n\n"
83                         );
85         fprintf(fparam,
86                         "# TIME & DATE Information:\n"
87                         "# -----------------------\n"
88                         "# 1. Time of the day (UT, hours. range: 0.0 - 24.0)\n"
89                         "# 2. Day of the month (unitless, range: 0 - 31)\n"
90                         "# 3. Month of the year (unitless, range: 1 - 12) \n"
91                         "# 4. Year (unitless, range: 1900 - 2100 for max. accuracy) \n\n"
92                         "TIME_UT      = 12.00\n"
93                         "DAY_OF_MONTH = 1.0\n"
94                         "MONTH        = 8\n"
95                         "YEAR         = 2007\n\n"
96                         );
98         /*The files */
99         fprintf(fparam,
100                 "# List of files:\n"
101                 "# -----------------------\n"
102                );
103         fprintf(fparam,
104                 "OUTPUT_FILE      = diffuse_output.fits\n"
105                );
106         fprintf(fparam,
107                 "ZODIAC_MODEL     = %szodiacal_data/leinert_dist.txt\n",
108                 CADSDATA);
109         fprintf(fparam,
110                 "ZODIAC_SPECTRUM  = %szodiacal_data/zodiacal_spec.txt\n",
111                 CADSDATA);
112         fprintf(fparam,
113                 "BKGD_MODEL       = %sdiffuse_data/nuv_allsky.txt\n",
114                 CADSDATA);
115         fprintf(fparam,
116                 "BKGD_SPECTRUM    = %sdiffuse_data/bkgd_spectrum.txt\n",
117                 CADSDATA);
118         fprintf(fparam,
119                 "STELLAR_SPECTRUM = %sstellar_data/castelli\n",
120                 CADSDATA);
121         fprintf(fparam,
122                 "CROSS_SEC        = %sstellar_data/cross_sec.txt\n",
123                 CADSDATA);
124         fprintf(fparam,
125                 "STAR_CAT         = %sstellar_data/hip_main.txt\n",
126                 CADSDATA);
127         fprintf(fparam,
128                 "FILTER_SPECTRUM  = %ssample_filters/galex_FUV.txt\n\n"
129                );
131         fprintf(fparam,
132                         "# WCS Parameters for output FITS file\n"
133             "#GAL_COORD = 1 => output is in galactic coordinates, othrwise equatorial"
134                         "# ------------------------\n"
135                         "XREFVAL = 0\n"
136                         "YREFVAL = 0\n"
137                         "XINC = -0.5\n"
138                         "YINC = 0.5\n"
139             "ANGSIZE = 360\n"
140                         "COORDTYPE = -AIT\n"
141             "GAL_COORD = 1\n\n"
142                         );
144         fprintf(fparam,
145                         "# Background parameters\n"
146                         "# ---------------------\n"
147                         "ANG_LIMIT = 3\n"
148                         "CSC_LAW = 450.0\n\n"
149             "DC_LEVEL = 0\n\n"
150                         );
152         fprintf(fparam,
153                         "# Which elements to include\n"
154                         "# -----------------------\n"
155                         "ZOD_INC = 1\n"
156                         "GAL_INC = 1\n"
157                         "STAR_INC = 1\n\n"
158                         );
160         printf("Default Parameter file has been created. Please check and modify, if necessary.\n");
161         fclose(fparam);
162         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
165 /*********************************************************************/
167 int READ_PARAMS(struct INP_PAR *inp_par, struct WCS_HEAD *wcs_in)
168 /*
169                 float *hour, float *day, float *month, float *year,
170                                 float *wave_ref, float *ang_limit, float *csc_law,
171                                 int *zod_inc, int *gal_inc,
172                 char *zod_file, char *spec_file, char *bkgd_file, char *out_file,
173                                 struct WCS_HEAD *wcs_in) {
174 */
175                 {
176         FILE    *fp;
177     char    line[FLEN_FILENAME], name[FLEN_FILENAME];
178     char    equal[FLEN_FILENAME], data[FLEN_FILENAME];
180         if((fp = fopen(PARAM_FILE,"r")) == NULL){
181                 GEN_DEFAULT_PARAMS();
182                 if((fp = fopen(PARAM_FILE,"r")) == NULL)
183                         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
184         }
185         /*Inititalize parameters*/
186     inp_par->hour = 0;
187     inp_par->day = 0;
188                     inp_par->month = 0;
189                     inp_par->csc_law=0;
190                     inp_par->ang_limit = 5;
191                     inp_par->dc_level= 0;
192                     inp_par->gal_inc = 1;
193                     inp_par->star_inc = 1;
194                     inp_par->zod_inc = 1;
196         /* Read input parameters */
197         while (!feof(fp)) {
198                 fgets(line, FLEN_FILENAME, fp);
199                 if ((line[0] != '#') && (line[0] != '\n')) {
200                         sscanf(line, "%s %s %s ", name, equal, data);
201                         if(!strcmp("TIME_UT", name))        inp_par->hour = atof(data);
202                         if(!strcmp("DAY_OF_MONTH", name))   inp_par->day = atof(data);
203                         if(!strcmp("MONTH", name))          inp_par->month = atof(data);
204                         if(!strcmp("YEAR", name))           inp_par->year = atof(data);
205                         if(!strcmp("OUTPUT_FILE", name))    strcpy(inp_par->out_file, data);
206                         if(!strcmp("ZODIAC_MODEL", name))      strcpy(inp_par->zod_file, data);
207                         if(!strcmp("ZODIAC_SPECTRUM", name))   strcpy(inp_par->zod_spec, data);
208                         if(!strcmp("FILTER_SPECTRUM", name))   strcpy(inp_par->filter_file, data);
209             if(!strcmp("BKGD_SPECTRUM", name))   strcpy(inp_par->bkgd_spec, data);
210                         if(!strcmp("BKGD_MODEL", name))         strcpy(inp_par->bkgd_model, data);
211             if(!strcmp("CROSS_SEC", name))              strcpy(inp_par->sigma_file, data);
212             if(!strcmp("STELLAR_SPECTRUM", name))
213                                         strcpy(inp_par->castelli_file, data);
214             if(!strcmp("STAR_CAT", name))
215                 strcpy(inp_par->hipparcos_file, data);
216                         if(!strcmp("ANG_LIMIT", name))          inp_par->ang_limit = atof(data);
217                         if(!strcmp("CSC_LAW", name))            inp_par->csc_law = atof(data);
218             if(!strcmp("DC_LEVEL", name))               inp_par->dc_level = atof(data);
219             if (!strcmp("ZOD_INC", name))       inp_par->zod_inc = atoi(data);
220             if (!strcmp("GAL_INC", name))       inp_par->gal_inc = atoi(data);
221             if (!strcmp("STAR_INC", name))      inp_par->star_inc = atoi(data);
222                         if(!strcmp("XREFVAL", name))        wcs_in->xrefval = atof(data);
223                         if(!strcmp("YREFVAL", name))            wcs_in->yrefval = atof(data);
224                         if(!strcmp("XINC", name))                       wcs_in->xinc = atof(data);
225                         if(!strcmp("YINC", name))           wcs_in->yinc = atof(data);
226                         if(!strcmp("ANGSIZE", name))        wcs_in->angsize = atof(data);
227             if(!strcmp("COORDTYPE", name))      strcpy(wcs_in->coordtype, data);
229                 }
230         }
231     wcs_in->rot = 0;
232         strcpy(line, "End of File");
233         /*This is to take care of the end of the file*/
234         fclose(fp);
235         return(EXIT_SUCCESS);
236 }/* END READ_PARAMS */
238 struct INP_PAR READ_INPUT_PARAMETERS(int argc, char *argv[])
240     int i_arg = 2;
241     FILE *para_file=NULL;
242     struct INP_PAR inp_par;
244     if (PARSE_PAR_CHAR(argc, argv, inp_par.par_file, &i_arg)){
245         printf("Parameter file name is required on command line\n.");
246         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
247     }/*File which contains names of other files*/
249     if((para_file = fopen(inp_par.par_file,"r")) == NULL){
250         printf("Could not open file list:\n");
251         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
252     }
253     strcpy(inp_par.out_dir, "");
254     /*Read list of files*/
255     fscanf(para_file, "%s",inp_par.castelli_file); /*Location of Castelli data*/
256     fscanf(para_file, "%s",inp_par.sigma_file); /* Optical constants */
257     fscanf(para_file, "%s",inp_par.hipparcos_file); /*Location of Hipparcos data*/
258     fscanf(para_file, "%s",inp_par.location_file); /* Locations for calculations */
259     fscanf(para_file, "%s", inp_par.out_dir);   /*Writes all output files in this directory*/
260     fclose(para_file);
262     /*Output file name is derived from parameters*/
263     strcpy(inp_par.out_file,"total_scattered.dat");
265     return (inp_par);
268 /**************** SPECT_READ**************************/
269 /*Reads the spectral (2 column) files*/
270 int SPECT_READ(float *wave, float *spec, char *spec_file)
272         FILE *spec_file_ptr = NULL;
273         int ispec;
274         float f_tmp1, f_tmp2;
275         char s_tmp[FLEN_FILENAME];
277         if ((spec_file_ptr = fopen(spec_file, "r")) == NULL){
278                 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR  : Unable to open %s \n", spec_file);
279                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
280         }/*Open spectrum if it is exists*/
282     ispec =0;
283     while (!feof(spec_file_ptr)) {
284         if (ispec >  MAX_SPEC_ELEM){
285             printf("%s %s\n", "Max. size exceeded for file:",spec_file);
286             exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
287         }
288         /*Read line*/
289         fgets(s_tmp, FLEN_FILENAME, spec_file_ptr);
290                 if (sscanf(s_tmp, "%f %f", &f_tmp1, &f_tmp2) == 2){
291             *(wave + ispec) = f_tmp1;
292             *(spec + ispec) = f_tmp2;
293             ++ispec;
294         }
295     }
296         fclose(spec_file_ptr);
297     return (ispec);
299 /*********************************************************************/